All of the pans listed in this category have these words etched on the other side of the pan. The stores would order the pans with their business name printed on the other side and then have their salesman hand them out to promote their business as the place to come purchase a new Sunshine stove. There are also pans with no business name on the back side so as to promote just the Sunshine Line by itself.
The Sunshine stove line was produced 1892-1920’s.
Here is the 1923 Catalog by Reading Stove Works, featuring their Sunshine line.
Originally founded as Orr, Painter & Company (O.P & Co.) in 1866 by Jesse Orr (1839-1892), John R. Painter (1823-1883), Peter W. Nagle (1829-1904), William Grander (1821-1881), Henry C. Posey (1822-1887), Elijah Bull (1834-1900), William H. Schick (1835-1902), Jasper Sheeler (1835-1876), and Charles Egolf (1816-1890) with a capital of $400,000. They located their foundry in Reading, Pennsylvania on Canal street, between Chestnut and Spruce, manufacturing stoves, furnaces, and heaters. The company employed fourteen molders and ran a relatively successful business with approximately 500 employees. In 1877 Charles S. Prizer joined the company and served as president when Orr died in 1892. The company formally incorporated in 1886 under the name of Reading Stove Works, Orr, Painter & Co. The foundry closed doors in 1935.
The pan to the right advertised Reading Stove Works but didn’t have the above Sunshine words on the inside.